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“I came to the program knowing yes I am a Christian, but how do I do that in a world with so many other competing distractions? I learned that faith doesn’t have to mean preaching in the middle of the road; faith is what I do, the way I carry myself, and my alignment with Jesus. Work is no longer about ticking boxes.”

— Dora Okeyo, Kenya

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“Before I started the course, I really wanted to quit my job. I did not like my job. I wasn’t performing very well. But after going through the course, listening to all the sermons, and doing the readings, it has really impacted me in my place of work. It has helped me to understand why I’m there. The need I had to leave my job isn’t there anymore. I’m calm and content. I say to God, ‘Thank you for this job. Thank you for having me here. If you want me to leave I will go, but for now thank you for having me here.’ It has really transformed my way of thinking about work and about business.”

— Angela Sangiwa, Tanzania


“I’ve never preached in a church or led a Bible study, but engagement with Oaks & Crown gave me the courage to lead others spiritually. I’ve been teaching Sunday School, teaching youth to study the Bible. I no longer have fear of giving testimony in front of others about what God has done for me.”

— Romano Iluku, Kenya


“Using the skills I learned in the storytelling workshop, I pitched the idea of an entrepreneurship TV show to the CEO of a venture capital firm in two sentences. He liked it and put me in touch with the producer!”

— Isaac Kamau, Kenya

What People Are Saying

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“The program merged work with worship. Where can you find another program that is spiritually based that merges work and that your foundation is Christ?”

— Judy Lumumba, Kenya

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“Because we do a lot of community work and seek empathy with community members, the Design Thinking session on design research was extremely applicable. I was able to apply the interview skills we learned.”

— Jenipher Dipondo, Kenya


“Since the program I have dedicated more time to reading the Word & prayer.”

— Ogen Rwot Denis, South Sudan


“The program started new habits in me. I’ve been reading the Bible and reading books.”

— Eva Macharia, Kenya

Eva Macharia

Eva Macharia is a Legal Counsel with FIDA Kenya working to advance women's rights in Kenya. She is an incredible leader and woman of God, and part of the inaugural cohort of our program. Here is her testimonial of Oaks & Crown Leadership.